Hello my name is Sharon. If you are reading a review of surgery procedures online, this is my story. This procedure relates to a armlift performed in January 2023. I sourced a surgery in Prague called Mediczech.
I am a 62 year old woman who has always exercised regally and applied numerous amounts of creams & lotions at a considerable cost but I could never tighten up my loose skin from years of sun damage & weight lose. It got to a point that I was so embarrassed to show my arms that I would never show my arms in public as I felt people would always be looking straight at my arms rather than looking at me.

Next morning staying within the same building I went down to see the surgeon to discuss the procedure that I was having. And I was happy for them to go ahead with the procedure that was carried out on the same day ie armlift.
I had excellent treatment when I was in recovery by the nursing staff. Next morning the surgeon came round to remove dressing and I was shocked & astonished to see how different my arm looked. My experience with the recovery was of very minimal pain I was back doing light exercise within 5 weeks. I
t's been 3 mounths now since the surgery with pink scarring from the elbow to underarm which should fade to white in time. When my arms are down there is no visible sign of scaring. For anybody thinking of this procedure I would give it 10 out of ten.