Who Is It For?

Jowls and unclear boundary between the jaw and neck might appear even amongst young people; it is either caused by a genetic predisposition or a fat deposit in this area. Amongst older patients, there is also the factor of sagging skin and loose platysma muscle. The solution is a jowl lift or neck lift, usually combined with a minor fat deposit liposuction. 

How Is It Done?

The incision is made in the natural line under the chin. During the operation the tissue and platysma muscle are tightened and the excess fat and skin are removed. In cases of larger fat deposits, it is advisable to combine the operation with minor liposuction of the area.


Neck lift operation is performed under general anaesthesia, but the clients can also ask for intravenous sedation, which is more comfortable because they sleep during the operation. It takes approximately one hour.

After Surgery

The client stays overnight at the clinic. Immediately after the surgery the client starts wearing a compressive bandage. The elastic garment is worn for one week and then for three weeks only at night. It is necessary to avoid bending forward, flounces and physical effort for one week after the operation.

Speaking, laughing and any movement of the mouth should be limited in the immediate post-operative period. Until the bandages are removed, it is important to rest. The ideal position is on the back, with the head and body slightly elevated, to reduce, as much as possible, any post-operative complications such as bleeding, haematomas or swelling. However, some of these are likely to appear, especially in the neck area.  

Back To Normal

Following uneventful recovery, it is normally possible to return to work and resume customary activities (excluding exercise) within one week of the operation. Normal physical activities, including exercise, can be resumed within two weeks.


The scars are hidden in the chin line and are barely noticeable; they fade considerably within weeks of the operation.


Neck lift is either performed separately or as a part of a complete or selective face lift.

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